It is composed of 24 statements concerning your feelings about your culture and other cultures. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. A read is counted each time someone views a publication summary such as the title, abstract, and list of authors, clicks on a figure, or views or downloads the fulltext. Ethnocentrism, cultural relativism, sociology, and. Assessing your ethnocentrism the following measure of ethnocentrism was developed by james neuliep and james mccroskey. This is why the cultural traits which are similar to those of the observers, are evaluated as better than those which are quite different. The tendency to look at the world primarily from the perspective of ones own culture. As sociological work becomes empirical, it becomes more and more the study of the. Pdf ethnocentrism is a slippery concept that different disciplines and individuals use in diverse, inconsistent, and incompatible ways. Ethnocentrism is one of sociology s distinctive concepts.
Most college students are exposed to the concept only if they take a course in introductory sociology or if they should chose to major in sociology. In the space provided to the left of each item indicate the degree. Ethnocentrism means the evaluation of other cultures with the measuring and prevailing in ones ownculture. In this lesson, we will define the concept of xenocentrism, articulate its use as a concept in sociology, and explain the relationship between. Ethnocentric sociology, social forces, volume 40, issue 1, october 1961, pages 14. Pdf theories of ethnocentrism and their implications for. Download pdf show page numbers this is a form of prejudice a predisposition or preconceptionthat has both a weak and a strong interpretation.
Ethnocentric sociology social forces oxford academic. Students of introductory sociology are often left, at the end of the course, with a feeling that the term ethnocentrism denotes a flaw in human nature. It is a complex, elusive and normative concept thatfocuses on the human, political, social, cultural and economic facets. Ethnocentrism is a universal human reaction found in all known societies, in all groups and in practically all individuals. Development is a term that has been understood from different perspectives. Start studying ethnocentrism, cultural relativism, sociology, and anthropology.
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